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 Sacred Woman Retreat


5th - 7th December 2022

Warm Welcome

Ma Tara Palmo

Ma Tara

Dakini Dance

Sacred  feminine  practices

 transform our lives and our world


Dakini Dance is a women’s temple which celebrates our sacred feminine

gifts and awakens 'the goddess within' - our inner wisdom and love, through dance, meditation, yoga, rituals and heart opening exercises.

We immerse ourselves in the sacred art of devotion seeing the divine in our sisters and in ourselves, healing the split that has existed between women for too long and instead witness and anoint each-other as the goddess incarnate. In this beautiful temple space we go beyond the superficial layers of the mind and embody deeper love and awareness.

Dakini Dance is a sacred space for returning home into our hearts. Receiving guidance from deep within, anchored in deep awareness

we embrace the powerful creative force of the feminine, transforming our lives and shine this light and love into the world as a sacred offering.

You are deeply welcome here

Sacred Feminine Embodiment

Awakening to the Wisdom and Compassion within

Yeshe Tsogyal - Dakini Dance

“A female embodiment of enlightenment is called a dakini,
a messenger of wisdom. They are elusive and playful by nature, and defying narrow intellectual concepts is at the core of their wise game. To me the special female quality, is first of all a sharpness, a clarity, It gets to the point.

To me the dakini principle stands for the intuitive force.

- Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

"Wonderful Yogini, practitioner of the secret teachings! The basis for realizing enlightenment is a human body. Male or female -  there is no great difference.

But if SHE develops the mind bent on enlightenment, her potential is supreme."

- Padmasambhava to his consort

Yeshe Tsogyel

Traditionally, the term dakini has been used for outstanding female practitioners, consorts of great masters, and to denote the enlightened female principle of non duality, which transcends gender, a very sharp, brilliant wisdom mind that is uncompromising, honest, with a little bit of wrath.

- Khandro Ringpoche



In feminine spirituality we embrace our body as a portal into awakening










"The purpose in life is not to transcend the body,

but to embody the transcendent."

-H.H. Dalai Lama

Ma Tara Palmo - Dakini Dance


We use dance and conscious movement to connect with our body and subtle energies.

By moving in sacred shapes, inspired by the ancient belly dancers,

we honor and harness the power of our sensual energy, transforming it 

into the flower of devotion and awakening, like the ancient alchemists.

We invoke and awaken different archetypes of the feminine, already within us, 

allowing us to be channels of love, healing and wisdom, embodying the Goddess on Earth.

Ma Tara Palmo - Dakini Dance


A dakini is someone who has cut through the illusory deception of dualism.

We cultivate our awareness through meditation practices, softening the pain of separation,

the mistaken perception of a split between self and other.

Ma Tara Palmo - Dakini Dance


By embracing our shadows, lovingly exploring what is sabotaging our joy,

we allow these patterns to be seen and danced into the light of our awareness

coming into wholeness.We breathe love deep into our being and dance our hearts expression

into dimensions of awakening in deep trust and surrender.


Whole Healed Holy 


She sees the interconnectedness of all life and acts for the benefit of all.
In deep communion with all that is, She loves and she is loved.
Knowing she is responsible for all that she sees,
from the wisdom womb of pure potentiality,
She births a world in deep peace and prosperity

Whole - Healed - Holy 


United as heart sisters bringing
 healing and balance to our world


From the deep well of wisdom within
 compassion pours forth as a sacred offering 


5th-7th December 2022

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Photos by Linn Heidi Knudsen and Slavicia Kostovski

© Dakini Dance ॐ Awakening the Goddess Within

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